My Right Horse

Project Goals

  • Transition site from an online commerce site to a simpler, cleaner platform for uploading horse listings and allowing visitors to contact contributors about listing they’re interested in

  • Allow users to create listings through either a six-step listing wizard or a CSV uploader using a Sidekiq worker

  • Provide contributors a dashboard where they can manage a listing’s status

  • Update a search page so visitors can search for available listings based on various filters, learn more about them, and inquire about those they are interested in

  • Build a two-step sign-up process for contributors to get both organization details and contributor details from new users

  • Open an API and allow users to generate API keys so they can embed their listings on their company website

  • Create an analytics dashboard so contributors can see various statistics about their listings over time

Technologies Used

  • Ruby on Rails

  • PostgreSQL

  • ActiveRecord

  • React on Rails

  • ES6 JavaScript

  • React 16+

  • ERB templating

  • Bootstrap and SASS

  • Heroku deployment with Ruby, Node, and Postgres configuration

  • Rspec, Capybara, and Selenium testing

Developer Lead Responsibilities

  • Meet with client weekly to discuss sprint goals, feedback from end users, and story prioritization

  • Groom stories with my team to estimate time needed for delivery expectations and communicate feedback to the client

  • Manage Heroku deployments to staging and production, including breaking-change data migrations and rake tasks

  • Send weekly mid and end-of-sprint reports to the client to keep them updated about sprint progress, successes, and challenges

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